Alina Roman

My name is Alina Roman. I am a certified practitioner in Emotion Code, Body Code, PSYCH-K® and Sacred Freedom Technique. Originally graduated as a chemical engineer, I’ve been always interested to work with human emotions and feelings, helping people to have a happy and fulfilled life. After becoming a professional trainer in Emotional Intelligence and soft skills, I have been trained in Reiki, Ho’oponopono and Thetahealing and other energy techniques.

In 2014, I discovered The Emotion Code, that brought tremendous benefits for my emotional and physical wellbeing and made a big difference in other humans and also animals’ life.

The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique that helps us identify and release captive emotions, which are harmful emotional energies resulting from past negative events. This technique is explained very well in the book Code of Emotions, written by Dr. Bradley Nelson, published in Romania by Adevăr Divin Publishing House.

The Body Code is an advanced method developed also by Dr. Bradley Nelson, by which we identify and release, besides captive emotions, other types of energy imbalances: toxic energies, offensive energies, traumas and any kind of energy imbalances of organs, glands, energy meridians and chakras.

You can find me as a certified Emotion Code and Body Code practitioner on the, on the practitioners’ map.

I am also certified in PSYCH-K®, a simple, yet powerful method to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging. PSYCH-K® is a wonderfully gentle and powerful process at the same time to change beliefs in the subconscious that determine us to self-limit and sabotage ourselves.

Rob Williams, the author of PSYCH-K®, demonstrates together with his research partner, Bruce Lipton that our subconscious mind is like a minefield of limiting beliefs and outdated programs that no longer serve who we are today. These limiting beliefs affect all aspects of our lives, including: our relationships, self-esteem, financial prosperity, career choices, and even health. PSYCH-K® helps us build a path free of blockages to a new place, where our potential expands in every area of ​​our lives.

Another method I used daily in my sessions is Sacred Freedom Technique which is a very simple energy tool of releasing energetic imbalances from the subconscious mind.

Sacred Freedom Technique is an extraordinary energy method, created by Joe Vitale, author of the books Zero Limits and Zero State, which brought the ho’oponopono method of energy cleansing to the attention of the whole world. This method combines ho’oponopono and the original Emotional Freedom Technique and transforms it in a very easy to use, fast and efficient energy work tool.

In essence, Sacred Freedom Technique uses the tapping of certain energy points in the body, while giving the commands subconscious mind through various statements. This method can be used to correct any symptoms of a physical nature (pain or any kind of illness), or of an emotional or mental nature (depression, panic attacks, phobias, bad relationships, various strong emotions).

Please visit my website, for more details. Sessions can be held in Romanian or English. You can get an appointment by e-mail: or by phone: +40 977 977 828.