Seba Chi

Pasionate healer, speaker, bringer of peace to the planet by raising her frequency, writer, transformational coach, youtuber.

For more information about me I invite you here:

And I have some great messages four you in the following videos:

  1. My Spiritual Awakening Story

„In this video I speak about my shift in consciousness and personal experience about the things that happened since I began to question the nature of human consciousness and the Universe itself”.

2. The Belief System of “LACK”. How to Let it Go and Find More Abundance

” Our Beliefs determine what kind of life we have. In this footage I speak about changing our beliefs and thought patterns in order to think differently. If we change our thoughts, we have the power to change our life.”

3. 5 Ways to Connect to your Higher Self | Higher Self Tips

„The Higher Self is our true authentic self. The more that we connect to this intelligence is the more that we find the energy of love, creativity, flow and abundance. In this video, I offer 5 steps on how to connect to our higher self.”

4. Self-Forgiveness. Become your Best Version!

„We can only love others at the same amount that we love ourselves. In this video, I speak about Self-Forgiveness and Self-Love as the main instruments for living an authentic life.”

5. Today’s Motivational (step into your infinite life’s mission)

„Today’s motivational is a reminder of staying connected to our own authentic life’s purpose. I really love expressing my heart’s message and the adventure of my spiritual mission. The more that we allow ourselves to feel is the more that we are connected to the intensity of life. Sending Love.”

6. Today’s Reminder Is Coming From The Depth of My Soul

„This Video comes from the depth of my soul. It is my pleasure to remind you guys that if you trust, nothing will go wrong. All that it takes is the openness towards your best version. We deserve to be free and happy, this is our birthright.”

For more stuff please vizit my yotube channel (where you can find about 500 podcasts on themes of wisdom, the rise of consciousness, personal healing, spiritual awakening etc) or my webb-page:

I also invite you to order my book (Roumanian edition) „The Path of the Inner Master: The Ascension to The True Self”, by writing me here